Saturday, October 18, 2014

Getting Spit on in Saudi Arabia

It took two years, but I have finally had my first negative experience with a Saudi. In the store today a guy came up to me smiling with his wife or sister and asking where I was from. The normal way all Saudis start a conversation with me, but then he asked if I was a Muslim. Red alerts flash as this is not normal. I say no anyway. So he spits in my face. Still not bad for two years here. For comparison, I was only in Russia two weeks before being robbed and in a fistfight. Truly a shame that there are bad and ignorant people everywhere.

Getting spit on by a Muslim just confirms my long held belief that being religious does not make you a better person. Muslim, Christian, Catholic, Jew, Buddhist, or Atheist. All have bad and good people. Religion means absolutely nothing and is more of a problem than benefit to the world. Being spiritual is good, but being religious is stupid.

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